Our homes with computers and Remote Monitoring locations are all equipped with a physical hard-wired internet connection. This connection needs to be working for your devices to connect. Here are some steps you can take to bring things back online:
Check the Modem
- Each modem is different from facility to facility. It is typically a small black or grey box and has a cable television cord that screws into the back of the device. The images below are some of the more popular devices in use.
- Take a look at the front of the modem and find a light labeled any of the following:
Online, Ready, Cable, or Internet.- If this light is solid and green/blue, you have internet connectivity. Proceed to the next step.
- If it is anything other than solid green/blue, try rebooting the modem by unplugging the power cord, waiting 1-2 minutes, and reconnecting the power cord.
- If this still does not give you a green/blue light, please Submit a Request for further assistance.
Check the VPN
Sites with a computer and/or copier will also have a VPN client. These steps do not pertain to locations that only have Remote Monitoring services.
- Look for the white Sophos box with the blue writing on the front; this is your VPN client.
- On the front of the VPN client, there are several status LEDs. Look for the one labeled Tunnel.
- If it is solid and green, you have internet connectivity, and all is well.
- If it is anything other than solid green, try rebooting the VPN by unplugging the power cord, waiting 1-2 minutes, then reconnecting the power cord.
- If this still does not give you the green light, please Submit a Request for further assistance.