The Supervisor role is where you will be able to see a list of employees in your region, check on their progress with assigned content, and print transcripts of completion that gets turned in to HR. Here's how it is done:
- Log into Relias from your computer and make sure you are in the Supervisor role.
- From the left side go to Users, then User List.
- Find the person’s name, and click the blue book icon next to their name.
- That will take you to the transcript tab. If you want to narrow which completed content shows up on the transcript, you can use the date filter boxes to select just the content you want on the transcript.
- Click the blue link that says Print Transcript. The transcript will come up in its own window for printing.
- If you would like to save paper, you can download and save the PDF to your computer which will allow you to email it to your regional HR Rep.