- Open a web browser and log into the Paycor website: https://hcm.paycor.com/authentication/signin
- Once logged in, click the Menu button (three lines in the top left of the screen), then People and All People. This will bring up a list of all the employees you supervise.
- Either scroll to find your employee or use the Search for Someone box in the middle of the screen. Once you find them, click on their name. Note: If you are searching, you can enter their first name, last name, combination of first and last name, or employee ID number. Here are a few examples:
- jane
- doe
- jane doe
- doe jane
- 123456
- Once inside the employee's record, look at the Summary screen and note the value listed for Benefit Classification. You'll need this information when you go to terminate.
- Click Status Changes on the left, then the Terminate button.
- Enter all the termination details in the following screen. Here is a guide to help you with what to select for each field. We also have a one-page guide linked below that you can print off and use as a handy cheat sheet.
- Employee's Last Day - This is the effective date of the termination. Do not enter their last day worked here. This is their last day as a CRSI employee. You can also future-date this field for someone who has given advanced notice.
Termination Reason - Select the item from the list that aligns best.
NOTE: Do not use 18 - Removed from Schedule, 21 -Resignation Requested, or 25 - Work Assignment Refused. -
What kind of termination is this - You'll select the radio button based on what was selected for the termination reason. Here is the list:
Termination Reason Termination Type Notes 01 - 90 Day Inactivity Voluntary 02 - Chronic Absenteeism Involuntary 03 - Chronic Tardiness Involuntary 04 - Consumer Abuse Involuntary 05 - Consumer Endangerment Involuntary 06 - Consumer Neglect Involuntary 07 - Consumer Rights Violation Involuntary 08 - Consumer/Guardian Request Involuntary 09 - Deceased Involuntary 10 - Destruction of Property Involuntary 11 - Dishonesty Involuntary 12 - Drug Use Involuntary 13 - Falsification of Records Involuntary 14 - Insubordination Involuntary 15 - No Call/No Show Voluntary 16 - No Return From Leave Involuntary 17 - Possession of Weapons Involuntary 18 - Removed from Schedule DO NOT USE Select another reason 19 - Resignation Verbal Voluntary Only use as a last resort if no other reason matches the situation 20 - Resignation Written Voluntary Only use as a last resort if no other reason matches the situation 21 - Resignation Requested DO NOT USE Select another reason 22 - Retirement Voluntary 23 - Unsatisfactory Work Performance Involuntary 24 - Violation Agency Policy Involuntary 25 - Work Assignment Refused DO NOT USE Select another reason 26 - Work Requirements Not Met Involuntary 27 - Other See Notes Check with HR before using this - Stop direct deposit after Employee's last day - This is always No, keep direct deposit.
- Status - This will always be terminated. Do not use any other statuses in the list, even if they more closely align with the reason for termination.
- Eligible for rehire - This is always a Yes or No. Do not use Conditional.
COBRA eligible event - You'll select the radio button based on the Benefit Classification you looked up earlier. Here is a list to help you select the right answer:
Benefit Classification COBRA Eligible Full Time Yes Part Time HR Eligible Yes Part Time Non-HR Eligible No -
Notes - Enter "Last day worked <date>" and nothing else.
- Once everything is entered on the screen, click the blue Next button.
- On the next screen, select No to skip adding this position to the Draft Jobs area of Perform ATS.
- At this point, the termination request will go to our HR team for review and approval. An HR representative will reach out with further questions and/or request supporting documentation.