CaraSolva offers virtual, on-demand training for its users. Whether you are brand new or would like a refresher course, there is something for everyone. There is no cost for this and you can attend from any device that has an internet connection. All of the training is completed by watching a video and then completing a quiz at the end of the section. Here is how to get started:
- Go to or, if you're logged into a CRSI computer, click on the CRSI CaraSolva Training Portal link in your browser favorites.
- Fill in your contact information, enter 177-CRSIN6E for the registration code and click/tap Register Your Account. This code will link your account to CRSI and will allow us to see who has taken the training. You will know the registration is complete when you see the Congratulations message on the next screen.
- To get started with your first class, click/tap the menu icon on the top right and click/tap My Courses.
- Once inside the portal, there are three different training paths that you can take. Here is how to tell them apart:
Job Title
Training Path(s)
Caregiver Training
Caregiver Training
Coordinator TrainingPS/Q, PA
Caregiver Training
Coordinator Training
Nurse TrainingNurse
Coordinator Training
Nurse TrainingIgnore the information in "Adding a New Client" and focus on "Adding through the Pharmacy Interface".
- At the end of some lessons, you may be given the option to practice what you just learned inside of CaraSolva's training site. This web address is no longer valid and can be ignored. If you would like to practice what you just learned, log into CRSI's CaraSolva site and expand the Training Site from the left menu. Any documentation on CRSI's CaraSolva training site is not reviewed or examined for compliance purposes.